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Collection, Preservation and Display of Old Lawn Mowers

Model S5 - mystery side-wheel mower

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The Club were recently contacted by an enthusiast seeking information and transfers for this ' Model S5 ' which he was restoring.

The main parts were manufactured by Qualcast but it is not a machine that Qualcast marketed as far as we know. Therefore presumed to be a catalogue mower, so the question is who sold it and has anyone else got one, or know anything else about it.?

The colours are believed to be as near correct to the original as it's possible to get.


John.Sutherland Sat, 10/09/2022

The Dundee Evening Telegraph 1950 on the British newspaper archive offers a reference to a model "S" Sidewheel Machines, priced at 5,6/6  12"  Boxes were extra. I am not sure if it is relevant to your model S5.

The BNA is generally the place I look for information if I cannot source/ find info elsewhere but If like me you don't have a subscription to the British Newspaper Archive, you can access the site on your local Library computers providing you have a library card.

Its not much to offer but it could be another step forward to getting answers.